The sculpture was the end product of the Parametric Precast workshop at Georgia Tech. We were tasked to explore the chemical characteristics and understand the physical loads of precast concrete to design a structure that could be prefabricated to meet budget and optimize the installation process.
A four part mold was constructed at the Digital Fabrication Laboratory at Georgia Tech utilizing parametric design software, integrated with CNC machining, to create a two way coffer system of plywood. The sculpture was casted in a single upside down pour and dyed black to contrast the local Georgia marble aggregate within the mix. The total 7,900 pound sculpture was casted and polished to a terrazzo finish at Dex by Gate.
25 SF
Piedmont Park,
Atlanta, GA
Designer and Project Leader
Colin WoodhamFabrication Assistants
Chaz Clark
Paula Morales
Ashley Bladwin, Jeery Burnett Jr., Daniel Castro, Mark Chan, Haley Kellam, Sean Li, Surabhi Maheshwari, Ailina Mamazhanova, Samatha Phalen, Matthew Pinder, Carly Langsdorf, Ishwar Ramnarine, John Respert, Nichole Sophia de Vera Schmitz,Eric Trollinger, Jiayao Wang, Isaiah Wilson
Tristan Al-Haddad
FALL 2022