As a public space, Co-Hub has been delicately designed with the community. Comprising a program carefully crafted through the truth and beauty of the user, Co-Hub directly reflects the needs of the people it has been designed to serve. It is a resource for those without; a place of refuge for those in need. It will serve as an emblem of empowerment, reverberating the heart of Woodlawn and all the potential that resides within it.
This neighborhood embodies a history and a culture that Co-Hub firmly grounds in the wake of the changing environment. In time, the Obama Presidential Library will become a national landmark, making Woodlawn a destination for people of all creeds and backgrounds. Co-Hub will present opportunities for transcultural and transgenerational blending. It paints a picture of emergence, telling the beauty of the story found within it. Co-Hub will remind its members of all they have to gain. In this process, the people of Woodlawn have made the call to action very clear. With Co-Hub, we materialize the aspirations of the neighborhood and create an epicenter of momentum that will help Woodlawn transcend to the next level.
200,000 SF
Chicago, IL
Bangseh Akuchu, Razan Altiraifi, Abigail Bauman, Chelsea Davis, Paula Morales, Victoria Oolagun, Solangely Rivera + Candace Seda
FALL 2018